Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Some thoughts on the Shower

Now that I have had the Steam Shower for some time, it was time to give a far review.

There are several things I like about the shower. The pan, glass, and metal all seem very sturdy. The floor and ceiling are solid wood and fit well. The rainfall and handheld work well and seem heavy. The water jets are extremely powerful and stay in place once you adjust them. The stools seem a little short, but sturdy. The glass cleans very easily with just a squeegee. After using it, I simply squeegee the glass and floor in less than a minute.

The speaker is ok, just a PC speaker. I only use it for listing to the news in the morning and it is acceptable for that. Music is poor, so I don't listen to it. I find I actually like quietness when steam showering.

The display is responsive and easy to read. The lighting is plenty bright enough when using white, and relaxing when set to the darker blue. I didn't care much for red or green. Just not my colors when steaming.

Steam starts almost immediately, and quickly rises to 110 F in a few minutes. The temperature gauge is sensitive and accurate. I measured the temperature with an IR temperature gauge and it was within 1 degree. I put my essential oils on a pad or cotton ball at the exit port of the steam. That seems to work well, with plenty of aroma from a few drops.

There were some things that need improvement as well.
The wood floor fits very tightly, but needs to be removed occasionally to clean underneath. Removing the floor is tricky, as you have to nearly close the doors in order to lift it without banging the glass. You will need something with a hook to push between the slats and lift it up so you can grab it. I have already had to add some teak oil to the bottom slats.

The installation had some issues as well. Most of the holes lined up easily for the sides and I would recommend silicon sealant before pressing the sides together. Just a narrow bead will do, too much and it will all be pressed out. The hardest panel was the rear, curved piece. There are two L-shaped brackets that mount through the floor and to the side of the glass frame. Mine did not line up correctly. This caused leakage, as water would get behind the glass and drain down through the holes. I finally ended up removing them and siliconing the plug holes. Other than that, no leakage.

The icons on the water controls are impossible to see. The seem to be etched into the square trim behind the knobs, and should be painted or inked black. I ended up putting clear labels on the glass. The "Off" position doesn't line up squarely, and it could probably be fixed by loosening the fixture from behind and rotating it slightly. I also ended up putting threaded dow pins in the handles as indicators.

The solenoid that opens to provide water to the steam generator is very noisy. It makes a loud thump when opening and closing. I also think the water line is making some noise, but I am not sure how I will resolve this. Perhaps some of the foam insulation tubing. Once the steam shower is up to temperature, it will stop producing steam until the temperature drops 3 degrees, then it will fill and run again 1 or 2 times until the temperature is back to the set point.

I haven't quite figured out the fan, as it doesn't seem to do much. It would be nice if it pushed the steam down from the top. When sitting on the stools, it is a few degrees cooler than when standing. I don't use the fan.

Overall, it seems to be worth what I paid for it. It is more sturdy than the stand alone shower enclosures. I would rate it higher if the steam generation was quieter, but for what it is, I can tolerate it. I know I really enjoy steam showers before bed. I sleep and breath so much better.

And with that said, time for a steam shower!