Monday, June 3, 2013

Pleasantly Surpised

When looking at the shower panel when it arrived, I thought that it was missing a couple of cylindrical indicators on two of the knobs. The temperature control had one, and there were threaded holes for the indicators on the shower head/jets selector  and the water pressure controls. Today I finally got around to calling Atlas USA to see if they could send me out a couple of them , as I assumed they were lost in shipping.

The service tech picked up the phone right away, which sort of caught me off guard. Usually you have to go through a bunch of prompts when you call any company these days. The service tech phone number was actually to a service tech, and Ken took my call.

I explained what the parts were, and he said he would send them out at no charge. All I had to do was send him a picture so he was sure it was the right part, and to have for the records. I told him I would be glad to as soon as we had it unboxed again. Easy enough, I was in no rush.

As I was walking Duckie for his nightly walk, Ken called me back. He had actually gone out into the warehouse and checked the parts. It turns out that this model with the square knobs only has the indicator on the temp, not all 3 knobs as I assumed. He asked if I needed anything else, and said he would also send me the updated cleaning procedure for the steam generator. I got the email right away! So far I am really impressed with this company's service department. Not many companies would have taken the extra steps and initiative on such a little item like this. If they are this responsive if/when I actually do have a real issue, I will be very happy.

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